The Garden Is Migrating!

This weekend I am planning on migrating to a different Misskey fork, Sharkey. This is due in large part to the recent drought of activity on the Firefish git repo, and my personal dissatisfaction with the direction and pace of Firefish's development in general.

What to expect during the migration

Because Firefish and Sharkey share a common ancestor the migration should go smoothly, hopefully only needed an hour or two of downtime. Currently I'm planning on that happening around noon EST on Saturday the 13th. The majority of the time will be spent running database migrations, and one that's done there shouldn't bee much else that needs to be done.

What to expect from Sharkey

Sharkey is a soft fork of Misskey, compared to Firefish's hard fork of Misskey V12(I believe). It should have most of the features you like in Firefish, plus some of their own (user data export, listenbrainz integration 👀). There are some features that will be missing (get your quote-renotes in now), but there are also some superfluous features that have been cut down (did you know there's an NSFW-detecting machine learning model in Misskey?). All in all the user experience should be similar, with the benefit of all the development and optimization Misskey has received since Firefish forked off, hopefully making things run smoother (and perhaps a bit faster).

As always if things go south, you can check here for updates. Otherwise, see you on the flipside (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

- E